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Wednesday, 26 March 2025




Building structure


The Administration Office of the Telecommunication and Electronics Engineering Building is responsible for the administrative, economic and infrastructure and facilities management of the School of Telecommunication and Electronics Engineering (EITE), as well as other structures attached.

The buildings that make up the EITE were initially used by the Diocese of the Canary Islands as major and minor seminars, whose construction was paid for, among others, by donations from the public. Through the appropriate agreements, the Diocese transferred the first and second pavilions (A and B) and part of pavilion C and annexes to the Chapel to the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Currently, these buildings are occupied by the most important Departments in the Electronics and Telecommunications degrees. Thus, pavilion A is occupied by the Department of Electronic and Automatic Engineering, pavilion B is occupied by the Department of Signals and Communications and pavilion C and the Annex to the Chapel, is occupied by the Department of Telematics Engineering.

On the northern facade of pavilion B, is the the Lecture Hall and between pavilion B and pavilion A is the administration and common services building (Pavilion X).


A more detailed description of each of these facilities can be found in the following links:






University Institutes related to EITE:
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Contact us

Escuela de Ingeniería de Telecomunicación y Electrónica
Edificio de Electrónica y Telecomunicación,
Campus Universitario deTafira s/n,
Las Palmas de Gran Canaria 35017,

Telephone: +34 928 451 221
Email: admon_teleco@ulpgc.es